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Top Advantages Of Taking A Defensive Driving Course In NJ

A defensive driving course in New Jersey is designed to help drivers become more aware of the risks associated with driving and to learn how to avoid accidents. The course typically lasts for six hours and is offered by a number of different organizations, including the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. During the course, participants will learn about different traffic laws and how to safely share the road with other vehicles. They will also have the opportunity to practice their skills in a simulated driving environment. By successfully completing a defensive driving course, you will be entitled to benefits such as discounted car insurance rates and more.

Save Transportation Expense

A defensive driving course can help you save on transportation expenses. Imagine the scenario where your license is suspended because you broke too many traffic violations. You will most likely have to spend money on public transport or Uber. In bigger cities, the cost of public transportation can escalate quickly, increasing your monthly expenditure.

By taking a defensive driving course, you are more aware of road safety and reduce the chances of getting your license suspended. It can prevent you from losing points in the first place.

You Become a Safer Driver

No one knows what will happen on the road. You could experience horrible weather, accidents, or rude drivers. When you take a defensive driving course, you are better prepared to manage these unexpected scenarios. The skills you learn in the course include things to do when you meet with a road emergency, safe driving techniques, and ways to avoid dangerous driving habits. You will also be educated on New Jersey’s insurance and traffic law. This knowledge helps you become a safer driver who can protect yourself and others on the road.

Enjoy Discounted Car Insurance

A defensive driving course can usually qualify you for a car insurance discount, reducing your monthly insurance premium. Most carriers in New Jersey offer a discount ranging from 5% to 10% so you’ll be saving money every month.

A defensive driving course is also a good idea if you’ve recently been in a traffic accident. Your car insurance can increase significantly with just one traffic offense like a speeding ticket. The discounted insurance rate you receive for taking a defensive driving course can help you lower your premiums.

Prevent High Accident Fees

Road accidents are not only physically and emotionally distressing, but they are also costly. Depending on who is at fault, you may have to bear medical expenses, auto repair costs, and income loss due to injuries. A defensive driving course equips you with safe driving skills to prevent accidents from happening. You can better avoid an accident when you spot aggressive drivers.

While you may have observed all the road safety measures, there is still a chance you could get involved in an accident or receive a traffic offense. When this happens, it’s advisable to seek legal help and advice. An experienced attorney from Carcich O’Shea can help. Contact us today to learn about your rights and options.

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