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New Jersey Workplace Retaliation Lawyers

Employees may voice concerns about unfair treatment, unsafe working conditions, or illegal activities. However, not all employers respect these rights. In some cases, employees who speak out find themselves facing retaliation—an unlawful act that can have serious consequences. If you are experiencing workplace retaliation in New Jersey, it is essential to understand your rights and take action.

What Is Workplace Retaliation?

Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee for engaging in legally protected activities. These activities may include filing complaints about discrimination, harassment, wage violations, or unsafe working conditions. Retaliation can also occur if an employee participates in an investigation, lawsuit, or any other proceeding related to workplace rights.

Adverse actions can take many forms, including but not limited to:

  • Termination or demotion
  • Reduction in hours or pay
  • Negative performance evaluations
  • Unjustified disciplinary actions
  • Exclusion from meetings or projects
  • Hostile work environment

Retaliation is illegal under both federal and state laws, including the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These laws protect employees from retaliation and provide legal recourse for those who have been wronged. Understanding these protections is the first step in taking action against an employer who may be violating your rights.

What Are Signs of Workplace Retaliation?

Identifying workplace retaliation can be challenging, especially if the adverse actions are subtle or disguised as legitimate business decisions. However, certain signs may indicate that you are a victim of retaliation. These signs include:

  • A sudden and unexplained change in your job duties or responsibilities.
  • Receiving a poor performance review after engaging in a protected activity.
  • Being excluded from meetings, training, or other opportunities that were previously available to you.
  • An increase in negative or hostile behavior from supervisors or coworkers.
  • Unwarranted disciplinary actions or write-ups.

If you notice any of these signs after engaging in a protected activity, you may be experiencing workplace retaliation. It is essential to document all instances of retaliation, including dates, times, and details of the adverse actions. This documentation can be crucial in building a strong case against your employer.

What Are My Legal Rights and Protections?

As an employee in New Jersey, you have the right to work in an environment free from retaliation. CEPA is one of the country’s most robust whistleblower protection laws. It prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who report illegal activities, unsafe practices, or violations of public policy. Under CEPA, employees are protected if they:

  • Disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or public body any activity, policy, or practice they reasonably believe is illegal or unethical.
  • Provide information or testify before any public body conducting an investigation or inquiry into a violation of law.
  • Object to or refuse to participate in any activity, policy, or practice they reasonably believe is illegal, unethical, or against public policy.

In addition to CEPA, federal laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) also protect employees from retaliation. These laws cover a wide range of protected activities, including filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment, requesting reasonable accommodations, or reporting wage and hour violations.

What Should I Do if I am Experiencing Retaliation in My Workplace in New Jersey?

If you believe you are a workplace retaliation victim, taking immediate action to protect your rights is crucial. Here are the steps you should consider:

  • Document the Retaliation: Keep a detailed record of all retaliatory actions taken against you. Include dates, times, locations, and the names of any individuals involved. This documentation will serve as important evidence in your case.
  • Report the Retaliation: If possible, report the retaliation to your employer, HR department, or supervisor. Make your report in writing and keep a copy for your records. In some cases, this step may resolve the issue without further action.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Contact a New Jersey workplace retaliation lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case, explain your legal rights, and help you determine the best course of action.
  • File a Complaint: Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may need to file a complaint with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Your attorney can guide you through this process and ensure all deadlines are met.
  • Consider Legal Action: If the retaliation continues or your employer fails to address your concerns, you may need to consider filing a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit can result in compensation for lost wages, emotional distress, and other damages. It can also lead to reinstatement of your job or position if you were wrongfully terminated.

How Carcich O’Shea Can Help

At Carcich O’Shea, our team of skilled New Jersey workplace retaliation lawyers has extensive experience representing employees in retaliation cases. We understand the complexities of employment law and are committed to helping our clients navigate the legal process with confidence.

When you choose Carcich O’Shea, you can expect the following:

  • Personalized Attention: We take the time to listen to your story, understand your concerns, and develop a legal strategy tailored to your unique situation.
  • Aggressive Representation: We are dedicated to fighting for your rights and will not back down from taking on even the most challenging cases.
  • Comprehensive Legal Support: From initial consultation to trial, we provide comprehensive legal support. We handle all aspects of your case, including gathering evidence, filing complaints, negotiating settlements, and representing you in court.
  • A Commitment to Justice: We believe that every employee deserves a fair and just workplace. We are committed to holding employers accountable for retaliation and ensuring our clients receive the compensation and justice they deserve.

Why Is it Important to Take Legal Action?

Workplace retaliation is illegal and harmful to your career, financial stability, and overall well-being. If you are experiencing retaliation, taking action is essential to protect your rights and hold your employer accountable. Failing to act could result in continued mistreatment and further harm your career.

By working with an experienced New Jersey workplace retaliation lawyer, you can take a stand against unlawful behavior and seek the justice you deserve. Your case may also serve as a deterrent to other employers, preventing similar acts of retaliation in the future.

The New Jersey Workplace Retaliation Lawyers at Carcich O’Shea Will Help if Your Rights Have Been Violated

If you believe you are experiencing workplace retaliation, do not wait to seek legal help. Speak with the New Jersey workplace retaliation lawyers at Carcich O’Shea today. Contact us at 201-988-1308 or online to schedule your consultation and learn more about the support and service we can provide. Located in Hackensack, New Jersey, we serve clients in Bergen County, Edison County, Essex County, Morris County, and Passaic County.