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Is Employer Retaliation Illegal In New Jersey?

Have you been on the receiving end of unfair treatment by your employer? Do you suspect that they have done so in retaliation, because you have taken a legally protected action such as exercising your workers’ compensation rights or reporting a suspected illegal activity? If so, you have legal recourse. Employer retaliation is illegal, and employees who report company activities they suspect are in violation of the law are protected under the Whistleblower Act.

Examples of Employer Retaliation

Has your employer started treating you differently after you took a legally protected action such as any of the following?

Below are just some instances of unfair treatment that fall under employer retaliation:

How Are Employees Protected from Retaliation?

These are some of the legal areas that protect employees from employer retaliation:

Reporting Employer Retaliation

Employees who have been on the receiving end of employer retaliation have several options:

It is important to note that you do not have to be certain that your employer has violated the law before filing a complaint. However, you must have reasonable grounds to believe that you have been illegally targeted.

Turn to Carcich O’Shea For Employer Retaliation Representation

Do you require an experienced lawyer to fight for your rights following employer retaliation in the workplace? At Carcich O’Shea, our attorneys are well-versed in the latest laws that protect workers and will see to it that your rights are fairly represented.
Contact us today if you would like to discuss what can be done after you have experienced employer retaliation.

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