Do You Know The Regulations That Protect Women In NJ Workplace?
Despite the huge strides that have been taken to promote equality in the workplace over recent years, true equality has still not been achieved. However, did you know that if an employer has treated you unfairly on the basis of gender, you could actually have a legal case under the regulations that protect women in the workplace?
At Carcich O’Shea, we believe that women should be given equal career opportunities and if that has been infringed upon, the assistance they need to exercise their legal rights. Read on to find out about the current regulations that protect women in the workplace.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Although the FLSA does not specifically apply to women, women are affected disproportionately as more women work on a minimum wage basis. The FLSA ensures that minimum wages increase in correspondence with the cost of living, enabling working women to better provide for their families.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Again, the FMLA is applicable to both men and women but has ended up benefitting more women as the responsibility of childcare and/or eldercare is still disproportionately borne by women. Under this act, employees can use a maximum of 12 weeks medical leave annually for the following purposes:
- To care for a child or sick family member
- To recover from pregnancy and/or childbirth
- To recover from non-pregnancy related health conditions
Employers are legally barred from terminating an employee for exercising their rights under the FMLA, but that does not mean that is always the case.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Passed in 1978, this act forbids employers from discriminating against an employee for being pregnant or for pregnancy-related health conditions. Many states have passed additional state laws to complement this act. If you have received a pay cut or been terminated for being pregnant, you may have a legal case.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Passed during a time where women were actively being discriminated in the workplace, Title VII outlaws discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, nationality and many more. Most importantly, employers are no longer allowed to specifically advertise for male applicants only.
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
When a woman loses her job and with it her health insurance policy, this can have devastating consequences for the entire family. Under COBRA, employees can keep their employer-covered health insurance for up to 18 months after leaving a job. As some women hold back from seeking better job opportunities out of fear of losing their health insurance, COBRA not only protects the healthcare of working women and their families but gives them more space to navigate the working world.
Turn to Carcich O’Shea For Representation
Whether you are a man or woman, if your employer has infringed any of the above regulations, you may have a case for gender discrimination in the workplace. You may have tried to take action but no one seems to care. However, at Carcich O’Shea, we listen. We think you deserve to be heard. We are well-versed in the latest employment laws and will see to it that your rights are fairly represented.
Contact us today if you would like to discuss what can be done to ensure you are given the space to exercise your full legal rights.
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