From Our Journal

Top Advantages Of Taking A Defensive Driving Course In NJ

A defensive driving course in New Jersey is designed to help drivers become more aware of the risks associated with

Consequences Of Writing Bad Checks In New Jersey

Writing bad checks in New Jersey can lead to serious consequences. If you write a check knowing there are insufficient

What Legal Rights Do Homeowners Have?

When it comes to property, quite a bit of freedom is possessed by homeowners. As one example of a homeowner’s

Understanding Just Compensation In Eminent Domain Cases

According to the United States Constitution, if the government needs a land for public use but that land is private

New Jersey Penalties For DWI

DWI (driving while intoxicated) is a serious traffic offense under New Jersey state law. It can lead to an individual’s

Is Theft A Misdemeanor or a Felony In New Jersey?

If, in New Jersey, a person is charged with theft, a conviction will result in certain penalties. These penalties can